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Monday, July 27, 2009

Qbar KK - The 'Girls' are at it again!


Back to school - Wondering what it would feel like to be in school uniform again.

Apart from the obvious fetish or a weird sense of dressing, no one would dare get back into those rayon slacks and crisp-ironed white shirts.

But the people at QBAR did!

Word on the event spread quickly. 'Everyone' was probably just dying to dress up, especially since Halloween is another 3 months away.

So when the night of the event came, it turned out looking like tear out of a Manga Page ; men, women, manwoman, womanman came in their old uniforms and old school ties.

I must admit, I was not there, but from the photo, I gather that it was a night of sizzling fun!


DrKong said...

lol!!! where were you that night? where did you get this picture then? lol! anyway.... love the costume... lol!

pretty awkward but tantalizing unique.. yay!

Zimzzan said...

I was at home sleeping.. My friend helped me take it.

I missed out on a great night!

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