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Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm NOT Dead!!!!!

Ok Guys,

I have been contemplating for the past half year, whether or not to continue with my blog. Doc Roddy has asked me more often than I could remember if I was serious about the whole matter, so I think I better address this issue immediately.

Just because I don't make money out of it, doesn't mean I should give up.. Or should I wear my smart shoe and blog about what people wanna know?

Would it be about sex and scandal?..... erm... nah! I want less people to hate me. My exes already do and that's enough bad energy for me.. So NO!

Should I continue talking about food and nightspots? .... erm.. Maybe.. But then again, I never go out anymore, so scratch that!

Or should they be about my life? Big warning.. My life may bore you to death.. Talking about my 'laling' (darling) and how I am in love isn't exactly a catalyst to entice appetite.

Well, one thing for sure, I will be writing about my trip to Sukau and Sandakan this week, and based on Kenny Sia's posting (Visiting My Ancestors in Sandakan), I am suddenly curious as to what the whole commotion is about. Mind you, my last visit to Sukau was more than 10 years ago so I am expecting a lot of changes. *keeping an open mind about it*

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